Whether you’re on your first spa trip or your fortieth, you can expect an esthetician to always inquire about your health and lifestyle habits. This information is kept on file, so that the esthetician can reference it every time you come in to make sure you don’t get anything contraindicative – for example, you can’t get galvanic treatments if you’ve got braces or lots of metal dental work like implants or old fillings! A good esthetician will ask you if there have been any changes since your last appointment, which should help prompt you to remember these issues. Sometimes, though, you may not even know that a change is important to a skin care professional. That’s why we’re sharing 5 things that you should always remember to tell your esthetician.
Be sure to let your esthetician know of any allergies you may face or have cropped up since the last visit. Sometimes a shellfish allergy comes up after years of eating lobster without a problem. Whether it’s a more common one like a nut or shellfish allergy or any other under the sun, your esthetician should know! If a particular treatment is recommended for you, they will first patch test it on you to determine if it contains any ingredients that may cause a reaction.
Bring a list of any prescription and over the counter medicine you may be currently on or have taken as it may affect what treatment you are able to receive. For instance, those using Accutane (or other isotretinoins) should be wary of using anything that is harsh on the skin as they may be at a greater risk of scarring. Your esthetician knows how to address these problems, but can only help you if he or she has the relevant information beforehand.
Change in Medical Condition
Pregnant? Blood pressure high? Undergoing medical treatment? Even getting teeth whitened…. so many things affect your skin, and the treatment you receive, so speak up! You may need a much gentler spa treatment than you initially came in for, and your esthetician is the one to make that determination, but only if he or she knows.
Daily Routine
Your daily routine is very important to your esthetician – it may just reveal why you’re there! If you come in saying you’re using that apricot scrub every day but think you have sensitive skin, um… Yeah. Estheticians spot these skin care routine quirks the rest of us seem to fall into without realizing, and once they spot it they help you correct it. If you’ve just gone paleo or pescatarian or made any change in your diet, let your esthetician know this as well. You know what they say, you are what you eat!
Anything Concerning the Spa Treatment
If you’re nervous or too cold or your just not digging the music, let your esthetician know! Your esthetician should be there for you entirely for the duration of your spa session, especially since for a majority of it you’ll be in total relaxation, so an extra set of eyes won’t hurt.
A bit of a heavy topic but crucial information any spa-goer should know. This is the kind of knowledge you can’t keep to yourself, so spread the love and tell a friend a Beauty SEAcret!
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